Monday, April 10, 2006

yes...i was in the workshop busy minding my own busi (ness)....and who should walk in but crazy killer arts person psycho man!

and of course....i had to pick the desk he was working on.

so i got to share my workspace with crazy killer arts person psycho man.

yes....the disgusting sick photos above belong to crazy killer arts person psycho man.

that is his workspace...he has limbs...and severed heads...and an assortment of 'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING' pieces.....of so called "a.r.t"

some say art...some say.......'psy-cho'......

so yes...he walked up to me....when the workshop was closed and everyone had gone home...and it was just me and him....

and my first thought was 'please dont kill me'....but then he asked me for the time

and i said twenty past seven

and he said thankyou

so maybe hes not crazy killer arts person psycho man after all.

hes just crazy arts person psycho man. (without the killer)


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