Tuesday, May 23, 2006

last jury of the YEAR!

log: andy's account of his latest jury


_marco: so who's next?

at this point andy walks up to the front and nearly falls over.
(for dramatic effect)

_andy: well....i started to think about how the building would sit on the hill and how people would move around the building.

at this point...andy starts mumbling because as of now, he has no ides what he's really talking about.

_andy: so...um...building...

_panel of jurors in sync: silence.................

_reece: yeah....it looks like you've drawn and designed things at a particular scale.....it might help to deconstruct it and draw lots of little diagrams, maybe about fifteen, to explain how each kinda...individual program works so when you put them together they make more sense as a whole.....

_andy: (thinks to himself). jee thanks for the USELESS comment reece. now i'll go home at sit at my computer and look like that kid except minus the checkered shirt with the clown collar.

at this point andy starts to think about how nice the vase across the gallery with big leaf in it looks.

and as soon as it had begun, it was over.

most useless jury EVER


At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:49:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

the vase is pretty !


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