Saturday, July 08, 2006

so youre rich huh?

i dont care who you are

or what you look like (especially if you think your gods gift to the other sex)

or what you do for a living

or what social status you have

or what level credit card you have


the unwritten rule is you do NOT throw your money or your cards at me when i'm serving you.

unless you're this man

which is ok because i'd be too busy laughing at the 'are you talking to me?' look that he's giving


At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man at least u dont get poor people coming through who THINK they are rich = . =" and act snobbish n treat u lyk crap = . =" but their bank card ends up declining and they got no cash... = . =" man, seriously, im gonna knock out a customer one daii... >s2ditz<


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