Sunday, April 30, 2006



CLICK! vbroommmmm vbroommmm......nnnyeeeeahhh...nyeeeaaaaaaahhhh click...vbrrooommmm nyeeeeaaahhh

Thursday, April 27, 2006

poor FORM

this is called poor form.

to expect ridiculous amounts of WORK in a short space of TIME.

i'd like to be a small woodland creature right about now

i could fly....and eat some nuts.........and fly some more.........and eat some more nuts

and occasionally lick myself clean so i dont have to shower


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

is it REALLY premium?


"selected premium leaf "


is it REALLY selected premium leaf?

do they really go through the tea leaf rows....and go 'hmm...yes...this leaf is truly at its premium...i shall select it at this moment'

the answer is NO

but i still drink it.

and on another note: (thanks to jiawah power)

on the fourth of may at exactly two minutes and three seconds past one in the morning, it will be

01:02:03 04/05/06

its aMAzing.

maybe the planets will align and cosmic crazy things will happen.

or maybe it will mark the turning point in pokka's production history and they will actually select the most premium leaves.

and if they dont, i'll still drink it

Sunday, April 23, 2006

miss shop

this is what miss shop looks like..

there's crazy women everywhere running around grabbing clothes,

and theres some random black woman (in the middle) going into labour

shopping should be a sport. crazy females.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

dum cheow ping

a certain white friend of mine said asian names sound like bullet ricochets.....

dum - cheow - PING!!

and on a different note...elliott you're a racist.

and also, that guy...who ALWAYS butts in during the 'iron chef' ....


i bet his parents never paid much attention to him when he was a kid.

Monday, April 17, 2006

niceness, bev and dessert

niceness reciprocates. maybe bev should learn abit of NICENESS

and now...i'm goin to eat my dessert of apple pie and chocolate icecream with bits of milo powder.

wow...that looks like poo.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

too slow

this is a lawn mower. it mows.

this is my scooter. it scoots.

they are both powered by an astonishingly punce 50 cubic centimetre capicity engine.
in essence i am riding a lawn mower....
so....if i have to overtake you
this means...


Monday, April 10, 2006

yes...i was in the workshop busy minding my own busi (ness)....and who should walk in but crazy killer arts person psycho man!

and of course....i had to pick the desk he was working on.

so i got to share my workspace with crazy killer arts person psycho man.

yes....the disgusting sick photos above belong to crazy killer arts person psycho man.

that is his workspace...he has limbs...and severed heads...and an assortment of 'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING' pieces.....of so called "a.r.t"

some say art...some say.......'psy-cho'......

so yes...he walked up to me....when the workshop was closed and everyone had gone home...and it was just me and him....

and my first thought was 'please dont kill me'....but then he asked me for the time

and i said twenty past seven

and he said thankyou

so maybe hes not crazy killer arts person psycho man after all.

hes just crazy arts person psycho man. (without the killer)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

ROUND 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nyyyyeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr..........nyyyyaaaaahhh.......vbrrroooom....clik clik...scccreeeecccchh....nyeeeeeaaaarrr

Thursday, April 06, 2006

this comic is for katos of churchlands

how good is the 350 chicken rice shop. the answer is supremely good.

50cents gets you extra rice....

and let it be known that the ground floor water fountains have far superior water delivery and a far superior state of 'chilled' than the fourth floor fountains.

and also let it be known making models at 2 in the morning is not cool

and let it be known that driving home at 3 with thomas newman is cool.

what do YOU have against stirling highway?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

hello mr blog sir

greetings blog!

this is great.

i have my own little nook in the internet.

its like....if the internet was a of the books on the bookshelf would be mine!...

or maybe if the internet was a lego set....i would own one piece of lego....

or maybe if the internet was a tree.....i'd own a leaf.

or MAYBEE....if the internet was a fern in the random picture up there...i'd own a fractal piece of fern leaf.

or maybe if the internet was a digital phone line thingo.....i'd have my own digital space nook book lego piece leaf fractal fern part....


and in the next edition of andythinkness...more exciting comparisons of the internet to stupid pointless things. stay tuned.